Total Restoration of Costa Mesa

Fire Damage Restoration Service In Costa Mesa, CA

Did you know that over 27% of all reported fires are caused by residential fires? In addition, residential fires account for more than 75 percent of all civilian fire deaths. The damage caused by fire is not just confined to the home but can impact the lives of individuals. Fires do occur, whether they are significant wildfires or minor house fires. At Total Restoration of Costa Mesa, the experts are offering you efficient fire damage restoration services.  

What To Do After a Fire Outbreak

– If the temperature outside is above 60 degrees, open your windows and doors to let fresh air into your house. Surfaces made of porcelain, Formica, aluminum, and chrome should be cleaned to prevent persistent tarnishing. In case your furnace produces forced hot air, change the air filter.

– To remove loose soot from the air, cover each supply and return the vent with a moist cloth and tape it in place. Discard any open food containers. If the power is out, clean the interior of your refrigerator and leave the door open so that it can air dry.  

– You would need to throw away your containers. 

What Not to Do after fire outbreak

1. You must not damage any wood, or upholstery because the oil in your hand might lead to damage.

2. Do not opt for cleaning the upholsteries with soot damage

3. It is advisable not to use the fixtures if the ceiling is wet  

4. Do not go for using the appliances which have not been checked

Contact Us Now!

We are available 24/7

Trustworthy Service At Your Doorstep

1. Always on-site and ready to help you in an emergency, 24X7
2. Accuracy in damage analysis, testing, and estimation
3. Board-ups for emergencies and structural stabilization
4. Ecologically sound sanitation techniques damaged from fire’s soot and other leftovers
5. We remove the left-away water even after extinguishing efforts
6. We can rebuild the structure that has gone devastated owing to the fire outbreak

We Help With Fire Damage Restoration By Incorporating Unique Strategies

You cannot deny that fire can burn down the whole structure. Whatever your requirements, it’s critical to attend to any structural issues that need to be rectified or furniture that has to be cleaned. In the end, fire cleanup might be laborious. Our expert team is trained and licensed to take care of any critical situations. We have the expertise to offer professional fire damage restoration service. Count on us to find trustworthy service!

Call Us. We Are Here To Ease Your Worries!

If you feel your residence or commercial property has been damaged in a fire, it is vital to contact Total Restoration of Costa Mesa to find matchless assistance in fire damage restoration. To thoroughly repair any damage caused by fire and smoke, our qualified team of professionals offers you extraordinary services. Our team is equipped with the latest tools and gadgets to put your worries at bay. Please contact us for professional assistance if a fire has damaged your home.

Call Total Restoration of Costa Mesa For Disaster Restoration Services 949-868-1639